Otiga - Branding and company architecture

This was a shorter identity project i did as design lead together with a company called Otiga. They are a cluster of companies that are generly based in the recruitment industry. Based in Norway but barnches out into Sweden and Denmark to. They wanted to have a new look at their identity, brand architecture, and possibly a new website.

The process was a short diamond shaped one where we started of with a SWOT analysis , and used personas to figure out who they feel like they are today and who they want to be in the future.

I designed a mockup website for them to show the potential of a new identity ad how it would speak to the world. The new identity focused on showing their expertise in a better way, showing the strengths of being a part of this group of companies, and communicating better that they work with recruitment and workers.

Project by: Jacob Pettersen, Andreas Kalleberg

Project length: 3 months

Where: Æra Strategic Innovation

When: 2022


This is a video of the website mockup that I designed for them. The identity is pretty minimalistic and professional, since its a overarching identity for several underlying companies. The i in the OTiGA logo that i created is ment to symbolise that people are the center of what they work with.


The process

This is a overview of the diamond process that I planned and executed for the project .First part was the swot analysis, second part was talking about stakeholders and choose the most important insights . 3 part was looking at the website mockup and evaluate, last part was working with words and important sentences for the company like the values and goals of the company.


Ski Association of Norway


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